Somali pirates strike again. And again. And again. Aaaand again

The reluctance to call these rats terrorists is surprising, and even more surprising is the American willingness to negotiate with them – look at that last link. 

Now, there seems to be only one language that is understandable to these underdeveloped rodents – violence. We have learned from several sources that mercenaries from seveal locations are ready to take lead to the heads of the pirates, but seemingly the shipping companies are hesitant to accomodate this, even though paying a pack of mercenaries a couple of millions and be rid of the trouble seems better than risking lives, and cashing out hostages with millions upon millions of dollars which is in turn only used to finance more attacks and lives in luxury for these vermin. 

Anyway…if any shipping execs read this; send me an email. I’ll be reasonably priced, and I’ll have ten more guys ready to go in a week to take this scum off the surface of the water, and make sure they get a swift journey down to Davy Jones.


THIS is what I’m talking about! About time some of those rats were sent to an early grave. Cpt. Phillips is fine, three pirates dead.

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0 thoughts on “Kill’em all.

  1. im so sick and tired of this evil, why should we live in this world of killing and terror.i just want to be a father to my daughter, not to be worried of the day to morrow. this short life on earth….

  2. I can think of a whole lot worse groups to have to deal with than these guys.

    They don’t appear to be randomly executing people, like other groups seem to enjoy, and they seem to be following a rational set of rules for hostage and property exchange. As far as I can tell, they’ve released ships and crew when ransom has been paid, rather than blowing up the ship and beheading the hostages.

    Pirates, yes. But they seem to be following a rational set of rules. (Illegal, but rational.) I’d put them a ways above the worst of the scum of the earth and a bit below the asshats who lost/stole billions/trillions with their credit default swap /risk management/whatever-the-hell-they-are games.

    Hmmmm… maybe we could require any finance manager who lost more that a billion dollars of customer investments to exchange themselves for the dirt poor ship crews that are held hostage in Somalia. That’d be an interesting form of justice.

  3. There are many reasons why these men turn to piracy, one being that companies from the west have been using the lawless waters around Somalia to dump toxic and radioactive waste. This means that fish is poisonous. I would turn to piracy myself if I had been in their situation. I imagine it is especially sweet to cause economic harm to the same companies that has caused so much environmental damage to the area.

    The world is gray, my friends. Not black and white.

    1. You know, Grim, you’re right. The world isn’t black and white – the only color for these people as far as I’m concerned is the copper alloy gleam of full metal jacket rounds.

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