How To Get Illegal Items Through the Airport – 2

Go to Part 1
Go to Part 3

3; Getting around  airport security measures

There are, as we’ve been through here, a lot of ways to get around airport security measures and bring illegal items through an airport. Now that we’ve looked at the various parts of an airport security checkpoint, let’s dig a little deeper and get to the good part.

Getting past the metal detector is the first priority. The fact that we still wear our clothing through that thing means that unless that TSA guy is Superman, he can’t see what you’ve got underneath. Millimeter ray scanners may change this in a few years, but for now those are still in the testing stages, so we won’t worry about them just yet.
Illegal items in airports vary in category and severity. A weapon of some sort is of course the most severely prohibited item and will land you in jail, whilst a 4-ounce bottle of lotion will only mean you’re out a few bucks. Since they’ll take it away.

Metal/Trace portal
Metal/Trace portal

The metal detector adds up all of the metal that you are carrying with you, from metal buttons on your pants (and the zipper) to that safety pin in your pocket and the blade in your shoe… When a certain mass is reached, the alarm will go off, and in most cases a strip of LED’s will show the operator where the largest metal mass is placed on your person.

So how do we trick it?

Moving a mass of metal through a detector without it being seen is, in itself, tricky, but here’s a tried and tested method that usually works.

Hold the object as shielded as you can – i.e. in your fist. Make sure the least surface area of the object as possible is facing the detector walls, and move it quickly through the detector – faster than your main mass is moving. This is going to look silly, and it sounds too easy to be true, but aside from the fact that the movement itself is suspicious, this will work. If youmanage to catch the operator off guard, and you can pull this off without the granny behind you in line shrieking “Terrorism!” at the top of her withered lungs, you’re home free.
This will work with a lot of things, but objects containing more metal than say, a cell phone, will still sound the alarm.

When it comes to fooling the metal detector portal, that’s about the largest object you’ll get away with. So how can you bring that axe you need to defend yourself? Aha…

Composites, ceramics and porcelain.

Composite materials, and ceramics, will not be detected by the portal. There are myths out there that say precious metals will slide through – that is not true. Just like the term says, they’re metals, gummybear. Gold, silver, platinum – all those will set off the alarm. Ceramics, however, are different. Ceramic knives, scissors, scalpels and other sharp objects will slide through – your only obstacle is hiding them well enough not to be seen by the trained officer’s eye. Since ceramics are not metal, but its uses, hard- and sharpness grades are the same or better than steel, weapons made from it is just as effective and also weighs in at a lot less than steel. If you need a blade through security, go with ceramics.

Recently, the use of porcelain to make knives has been a popular thing – these will not set off a metal detector either. Now, what you’ve got to remember is that just because the blade won’t trigger the metal detector portal, that doesn’t mean there’s no metal in the handle, in screws and whatnot else comes with the fancy blade.

Where to hide it?

Deep Concealment
Deep Concealment

Just to remind you – taking a willfully concealed blade through airport security is a serious offence. You’ll go to jail.

Shoes and underwear. Your pockets will bulge and move unnaturally and carrying it in your hand is just silly. So-called “Deep Concealment” is the only way to go. Shoes are almost out, since most security checkpoints, in airports at least, will make you take them off.

What’s left? Between your shoulderblades, between your breasts (if you have a pair of those), taped to your thigh, the inside of your upper arm, your armpit, the soles of your feet (uncomfortable) and so on. Make a specialized pocket inside the waist of your pants, etc. You get the point. Hide it where an officer is least likely to touch you with any real vigor, and hope for the best. Like I said, we can fool the machines – it’s the human element we have to worry about.

Now, these hiding places will also work for liquids, in the cases where the container isn’t that much over size. You will never be able to hide a gallon of Scotch on your person, but a small bottle should work. If it’s just the content you want to bring, tailor a plastic container to fit under your arm, or down your leg. If you carry it around your midsection, you can always say it’s a stoma pouch.

We’re not going to discuss how to hide explosives or bomb parts here – that’s just plain terrorism, and we’re not into that. The disclaimer’s sentiment still stands, though; there’s nothing here that the terrorists don’t already know about.

On the 3’d and last page, we’ll go through how to conceal illegal items in your carry-on luggage.

Go to page 3.

99 thoughts on “How To Get Illegal Items Through the Airport – 2

  1. what about a thin layer maybe about an inch to an inch and a half thick of organic material placed horizantly at the very top and bottoms of a polycarbonate suitcase

    1. Might work, but the thickness of the layer will almost certainly be noticed by the x-ray operator. A normal suitcase made of e.g. polycarbonate will be very thin, and show up only in edges as a thin greenish line.
      This layer will be thick and orange.

      This method kinda gambles on that the operator isn’t paying attention to anything but the contents.

    2. Money also often have metallic strips in them, a counterfeiting prevention method. Those’ll also show up in the operator’s view – not a good thing for you if you’re trying to get it through there unnoticed.

      One bill’s strip won’t show, but even a shallow stack, so to speak, of bills will be a different matter.

  2. Tell you what, Myer – in your case, what I would do is probably spread the stuff out a bit more. I realize that if you’re going to transport enough money to cover a suitcase in a 1-1.5 inch thick layer, this is going to be a challenge, but hear me out.

    Use several methods for transport, so to speak. Stuff your toiletries bag with money – those get a lot less attention that you might think, and in these liquid restriction times, operators will be busier looking at the size of your containers than the lining of the thing.
    Use several suitcases, and spread the layer out. If you can keep it at about half an inch, you’re probably okay. That might just be factory made padding inside the suitcase.
    Use normal modes of transport in addition. Carry as much cash in your wallet as you can, have some of it in your pockets – operators won’t react to paper money in your pockets, and neither will a metal detector portal. Those metal strips aren’t enough to set them off.

    The thing here is to NOT get too creative. Don’t cut off the bottoms of shaving cream cans and stuff things in there. It’s going to be noticed. Remember that the operators are trained to see things that aren’t normal, i.e. anything that doesn’t quite seem right will set off bells in their heads, even if they don’t know exactly what is wrong.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Hi there,

    Just wondering im traveling to the USA i soon and I am quite a big dipper. The problem is here in Australia it is extremley hard to import becuase customs will tax you about $17 per can of chewing tobacco. Seeing as it only cost about $3 or $4 in the USA I wanna get it through no worries. With airport customs i believe you are allowed to bring in a total of 7 cans without being taxed and after that I will need to pay the additional $17 a can. I am wanting to bring in around 40 or 50 or maybe even more if i can. I will pack the cans in my luggage that goes under the plane. But is there anyways i could get through easier as in buying cans that are made of plastic instead of metal. Some are even made of cardboard. What do you think?


    1. Plastic, metal or cardboard – it doesn’t matter, at least with checked luggage.
      Chances are you’ll get this on the plane without problem, but you’ll be stuck when you get to customs back home, and you have to take that bag or suitcase manually through a checkpoint.

      Look, the point is that smuggling things through customs has nothing to do with airport security, per se. You could get caught in a customs checkpoint no matter what you do, and you might not. This one comes down to luck, my friend, not planning. Also, if your bag goes through an x-ray machine, any operator with more than a week wort of experience will see your tobacco. No matter what the container’s made of.

      Please don’t break the law, people!

  4. I’m traveling to Jamica in late January and i would like to
    bring about and eighth to a quater ounce of weed with me. I was
    going to put it in the bottom of a vitamin bottle and pack it in my
    suitcase. I use to tape it to my underwaer right in front of my
    crotch, but with the patdowns now, i don’t know. any advice.

  5. Hey i was wondering if you knew of any ways to get a cell
    phone through metal detectors? I heard I could but some type of
    electronic shielding tape? Is this true? If so would anyone happen
    to know where I might find some? Thank you!

  6. In today’s security could you take out the tobbaco from your ciggeretts and replace it with “herb”? Would an x ray operator be able to tell the difference?

  7. I make a lot of protein shakes and want to take the magic bullet blender with me. What about the small blade in the cup of the blender? I’m putting it in my carry on because I’m not checking luggage.

  8. if i take off the main metal head on my lighter, then stick in my undies, will i get through the metal detector?

  9. How culd u get a brass knuckle belt buckle that is mountd to a round thing of metal but can still come off n be used thru? Also if its on another thing of metal wont it just blend in to the peice its on

    1. Hehe… You should probably just find a new boyfriend. We’ve already listed the only way to get a cellphone past the metal detector.

  10. There is no way to get a can of dip through security? I saw a guy with a fatass dip on the plane I don’t know how he got it through.

    1. Remember that the liquids-rules are still in effect. You can bring your dip as long as it doesn’t exceed the limit. Remember that those limits might vary a little from country to country, so check them out before you do anything.
      There’s also a chance, albeit slim, that the x-ray operator might miss it… but don’t count on it.

    1. We’ve actually explained that in the pages concerning how to get illegal items onto a plane… There are links at the top of this page.

    1. Usually, airport security won’t give a rat’s ass about parenting you. So no. 🙂 In most cases it would be going against good security protocol to take away someone’s tobacco. People get crazy without it once they’re hooked.

  11. Ok so I’m going on a cruise in september. I’m going to be bringing about 1/8 oz of legal bud on. I know how I can get that through. What I need help with is getting 2 things through. 1. My bowl. It’s metal. It’s designed to look like a zippo. And it’s metal. I’m under 18 so I can’t just take it out andre my parents see. And I also need to bring a normal lighter through. Any suggestions? Do you know if i put those 2 in my checked luggage will I be safe? Or what should I do?

    1. “Legal bud”? Okay… anything which is legal you shouldn’t have to worry about – be it security or your parents, right? So yeah… Look, we’re not here to help you smuggle stuff. We’re here because revealing security flaws will eventually lead to those flaws being mended. If you use our articles for illegal purposes, that is your own responsibility – that’s not what they’re here for.

  12. im trying to sneek in a mp3 in a school. what can I do for the metal detector to not detect the item? Can I use foil paper to cover the mp3?

  13. It’s not illegal to travel with a lighter or zippo. I’ve travelled on planes and eurostar with a lighter. Just put it in the tray when you go through the detector

    1. True, in most cases. Some places may treat them as pressureized containers, however, and that will risk you losing it. That doesn’t apply to a Zippo, of course.

    1. Short answer – don’t even try it unless you have the proper paperwork. There’s gonna be a commotion.
      This is just about the one thing that all security officers think about, and that they would do if it ever happened to them. They’ve heard the stories and it does happen from time to time. This is why they’ll be ready for you, and if you don’t have papers to accomodate “your” head, then you’ll be in a world of hurt.
      So either send it with an approved carrier or, if you must carry it yourself, make sure you call ahead to warn security supervisors that you’ll be bringing that thing through. There’s no way to hide that from an x-ray operator.

  14. So my future wife and I are going on a cruise for our honeymoon and we wanted to go on royal caribbean. I really wanted to bring a special bottle of wine to celebrate the first night. I called the cruise line and they are totally unwilling to let me bring it on no matter what. I even offered to pay 100 dollars in corkage fee to bring it on. no deal. Is there anyway to get a bottle through a scanner unnoticed?

    1. Hi Jeff.

      Will you send us those 100 bucks if we tell you? 🙂
      No, there’s really no way to guarantee that. The way to “fool” an x-ray machine is to make the object you want to hide look like something else. That’s not really possible with something as distinct and large as a bottle of wine.
      Your best chance is to bring the bottle in a smaller bag/suitcase/handbag through the passenger checking area (your luggage will likely be checked somewhere else and brought to your cabin, if we know RCCL right) and throw an absolute fit if someone tries to take it.
      In the case of cruiseliners, they do have the freedom to allow you to bring that bottle. Other than that, no real way to “sneak” it in.

    1. Hi Arnar.
      You need to read through the article(s) and the comments. We’re not here to help you break the law and smuggle stuff, and that’s not why the article’s here.

  15. hi, i wil be travelling soon the uk and will be purchasing some parrots egg, but it not allow to these to my country.
    Am wondering if we send it in the airplane, do you think that your luggage that goes in the cargo are being scan and might found the egg?

  16. I would like to take some honey oil with me on my trip to Palm Springs, what is the best way to get this through customs? I thought in a golf tee i hollied out capped it, then put it in with all my other tees? In my golf bag. Would they find it?

    1. The real question, Greg, is “why would they look for it”?
      Honey oil isn’t illegal. Put it in your checked luggage and bring it.

    1. Hi Cindy.
      Remember that checked luggage is scanned automatically, looking for threats. That’s not a threat.
      You have to worry about customs, not security, and you can’t hide things from those guys. That’s nothing but playing the luck card.
      Please don’t break the law, people.

  17. hey, are you allowed to bring a switchblade in checked luggage?

    i want to give it as a gift in christmas as my family member is a collector but will i be better off mailing it? if i can bring it in the checked luggage i will but is there anyway to conceal it? i might be too lazy to mail it..

    is there anything that completely blocks the x-ray? i heard that gold does but anything cheap?

  18. im alittle confused, is it possible and/or legal to bring a bag of smokeless american spirits smoking tobacco(not cigs, the tobacco you have to roll yourself) on a plane if you pack it in your stow away luggage?

  19. hey, are you allowed to bring a switchblade in checked luggage?

    i want to give it as a gift in christmas as my family member is a collector but will i be better off mailing it? if i can bring it in the checked luggage i will but is there anyway to conceal it? i might be too lazy to mail it..

    is there anything that completely blocks the x-ray? i heard that gold does but anything cheap?

  20. Back when I was in college, between the years 2004 and 2006, I brought a pocketknife with me onto a plane in my carry-on luggage (yes, the stuff that goes through the x-ray machine) no fewer than three times. The irony was, I didn’t know I did it – I had lost my pocket knife, and hadn’t realized it was inside my backpack, and apparently, me not realizing it was there was enough to make airport security realize the same as well. I only found out about it when I came BACK on a flight (so after I had inadvertently smuggled it onto the plane three times, going home and back for Christmas, and then for spring break… I found out on the return flight) that whoops, my knife was in there.

    They couldn’t even find the thing when they searched my bag, so I had to search my own bag to find the thing. Which is definitely a violation of security protocols but whatever.

    Poor knife. Probably in one of their pockets now. And sadly, they’re now legal to carry on board again, probably after one too many senators lost theirs.

  21. Hi I’d like to bring some hashish in my flight, I’m thinking on shaping it (like a clay) on my inner arch of my feet and putting it between two socks, so that even if I have to take off my shoes it still won’t be visible at all, my only concern is about these “Trace Scanners”, not sure how far they can go but I guess it will be shielded enough even for those, what do you think? is there any well known log about people getting caught with stuff in their socks?Thanks

  22. Hello,

    I am sorry to write here but as you seem expert and I cannot find a solution I dare to ask your help.

    I would like to send a bottle of liquid by post but it is forbidden in my country and Xray always catches my parcel.

    Do you know how I could do ?

    Put some foil for example ?

    And do you know if they see the bottle that I send because of its shape of they really see the liquid that is inside ?

    Thanks a lot for your help.

  23. hey man I would like to bring a can of compressed air back to my hometown .. I dont know if they allow it or not cause the can is highly pressurized but its only pressurized air non flammable stuff….is there anyway I can beat the luggage scanner?

  24. This may be irresponsible, but I sure would like to know how to get passed a metal detector while hiding a SIM card. How can I hide a SIM card while walking through a metal detector ??

  25. Common symptoms of diabetes are fatigue, frequent hunger, excessive thirst and a frequent
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    1. Damn. Googled fooled me. I read this whole article trying to find how to get a gold bar thru the airport & it was just a remark in the comments section.

      1. Can’t bring lighters on planes genius. Just because they are legal does not mean they won’t take them from you at the airport dummy.

        1. dummy is you dummy! you can bring a lighter on a plane. I’ve done that before even I took out my precious lighter on the x ray belt. So, they let’em in you dummy ddumdum

  26. Im hoping to sneak 15-20 firecrakers through the metal detector. Im under 18, so i wouldn’t be put through the milimeter-detection thingy. Im thinking of wrapping them in saran wrap, taping it to my inner thigh, and going through the metal setector normally. Quickly afterwards it will double bag them and get on the plane normally. These are the long and thin type of firecrakers so it wouldn’t be noticible under some loose basketball shorts. Im leaving in early September, but reply A.S.A.P please.

    1. Do NOT try to bring firecrackers on the plane. You don’t understand because you are young and think horrible things will never happen to you, but during transportation something could bump into or spark them and they could start a chain of events that is always fatal when you are miles above ground.

      Bringing firecrackers/fireworks onto a plane puts every single life on that plane at risk.
      Please make the mature decision and don’t do it.
      Think of the little babies that are on the plane, the parents who could be killed and children. You could be leaving people without family members.

  27. how do I carry food on plane I am a vegiterian ,and can’t carry food through custom,last I carried my food they took it from me I had to stay without food for 12 hours.

    1. You can buy powder food from,keep it in a zip lock and flat,tape it to your body or actually insert it into a cloth item.Then just add water.

  28. Vegetarian man, you can usually pre-order a vegetarian plate on any flight serving food. Call the airline and ask them about it…or you may be able to order online these days. Sometimes they’ll even have a few vegetarian plates available just incase somebody wants one.

  29. i have a personal method you can use to smuggle any item you can reach me
    charle_reed37 at yahoo dot com , escrow will be used and it will cost $5k

    1. I want to bring a hidden body cam with a mic and an audio recorder to my mental health appointment. They have the kind that most clothing shops have to walk through.I don’t know if it is illegal to have em on me in NY.Just in court and places like that.Could I use play doh to jam the signal? I have no money for you.I am borrowing the equipment from a friend who wants to know what I am saying is true about the quack doctors I have spoken with.Pleas,please help me.

  30. I want to smuggle a packet of Camembert cheese through customs down my crotch. I know I have to wear baggy trousers but this increases the chance of my cheese slipping down a trouser leg. Please help me. I must get me cheese through customs.

    I was thinking of swallowing it because if they x-ray me it will look like cheese in my stomach, cunning plan, huh, but I need to learn how to make my stomach acid leave me cheese alone.

    1. just wear an athletic supporter without the plastic cup , the cheese goes where the cup was . Watch out for cheese sniffing dogs though.

  31. I find just sticking it in a condom and sticking it up yer arse does the trick – worked for me bringing stuff back from Amsterdam many times 0 you wouldnt believe how much you can shove up yer choofter – I managed 2 kilos of prime “soap” once!

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