Airport Security FAQ

Make sure you check out our other Airport Security Pages:

Airport Security, in short.
Airport Security – A Guide to Pat-Downs
Travel Unintruded – How to Avoid Checked Baggage Searches
How to Get Illegal Items Through the Airport Security 1, 2 and 3

Below is a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about airporty security checks. Most of the questions have been heard and answered by the authors of this site, and some have been submitted to this site, and answered by email.

This page will be updated if more relevant questions come in.


– How do I find out if there are new regulations in effect or if my airport have extended, local regulations that I need to adhere to?
Get in touch with the airport, either by email or telephone. If you call, ask for the security supervisor or a shift supervisor. They will be able to update you on what you have to do. Or not do.

At the security checkpoint

– What should I put on the conveyor and in the little box?
All luggage, belt, watch, jewellery, shoes, hairpins, hats, caps, gloves and jacket.

– What if I have something…embarrassing in my carry-on?
Security personnel have seen it all before. Whatever’s in your bag or backpack, they’ve seen it and they won’t even bother with a second look unless its something dangerous or illegal.

– What if I change my mind and decide to go back out?
That is in most cases not allowed. US and other countries’ statutes and legal trials / legal precedence have resulted in the decision that once you have entered the security checkpoint you have in fact committed yourself to the full check, and can only exit once it is finished. Security officers can detain you if you decide to refuse any part of the check, and if you are percieved as a threat, you’ll be treated as such.

– What kind of rights do the security people actually have over me?
Security officers in most countries have quite a few rights in their designated areas and/or facilities. Should you decide to ignore or deny a direction from them, they are perfectly within their rights to detain you, deny you entrance or ban you from the premises. At an airport, security and police work very tight, and should you decide to not comply with security, the police will very rapidly be involved.
In most cases where passengers or visitors are viewed as any kind of risk, their luggage will be held separate until the situation is resolved, so don’t be surprised if it is removed from you while the situation is dealt with.

– Why do they let uneducated kids handle security at airports?
They don’t.

– What kind of training do airport security personnel have?
Security personnel at airports have strict training. In the EU, personell are first of all selected carefully from already experienced security personnel, if available. They are then given theoretical training over at least a week, usually two, and that includes training and lectures with police and customs agents. Then comes 100 – 150 hours of x-ray operator training with testing, and then a month of on-site training with experienced security training personnel always attending.

– What do I do if I have a complaint?
If you have a complaint against a security officer or a procedure, get in touch with a shift supervisor right away, if time allows it. Explain the situation calmly. Calmly. And then ask the shift supervisor if there is a recommended procedure when lodging a complaint. There usually is. Follow it.
Note that if you fail to remain calm with the shift supervisor (or the officers, for that matter) you might be seen as a threat, and will be treated as such. Any complaints you have will usually be void at that point…

– Can security officers cancel my airline ticket?
Not by themselves. However, if they feel that you are not fit to travel, they may deny you entrance to the secure zone, and in doing so stop you from boarding. They might also ban you from the airport, which is a tad more serious. Furthermore, they may contact airlines, informing them of your name and booking number, thus having your ticket cancelled that way and possibly getting you blacklisted with that airline.

– Is there any way to avoid the security check?
Yes. Take the train.

Can I take a lava lamp in my carry-on bag?
No you can’t. It contains too much liquid for it to pass through security these days. Wrap it up nicely, remembering how they treat your checked-in luggage
and hope for the best. Or send it with UPS. At least UPS’ll pay for it if they break it – the airline won’t.

Will Scotch tape set off the metal detector?
It might – it depends on the amount. A whole roll of it (the silvery one) will, and if you have enough of it wrapped around something, it might go off then too. Remember though, that anything you wrap in tape, they can demand that you open and your efforts are wasted. Better send whatever it is in your checked in luggage.

Can I get my cell-phone  through the metal detector?
It’s possible, but we don’t recommend trying it. It takes practice and a little luck, but it is possible to get a small cellphone through the detector portal using a little bit of technique. Hold it in your hand, close to your body, shielding it as much as possible from the portal. When walking through, make sure you move closest to the side of the portal where you’re not holding the phone.
Try to make the phone move as quickly as possible through the portal. You’ll have to figure out the rest by practice, we’re afraid… we can’t just give it all away. Suffice to say, it’s definately possible, but it’s going to look strange no matter which way you turn it, and the move is probably going to earn you a pat-down, or “wanding”.

Can my pants button set off the detector or an alarm at airport security?
It depends on the button of course, but a normal metal button on say a pair of jeans will not set off the metal detector or any other alarm. It just doesn’t contain enough metal. This also goes for pants that have buttons instead of the zipper. There’s just not enough metal in buttons alone, as long as there’s just the normal number of such, that is.

Will my pants zippers set off the metal detector alarm?
Not normally. If you’ve got a normal sized zipper, the metal in that alone will not be sufficient to set off the metal detector. See also the bullet on buttons directly above.

– Can ceramic knives go through airport security metal detectors?
Yes they can. Ceramic blades / knives will not set off metal detectors, provided they are fully ceramic without metal inserts or parts. ‘Nuff said.

– Is it possible to hide a blade / knife in your shoe?
Yes it most certainly is. Check out our dedicated page(s) on the issue.
There are some nice pictures there too. That said, hiding a blade or knife in your shoe is risky – in many places, shoes have to go through the x-ray machine, in which case the operator will most definitely see it, and you’ll be in a world of trouble.

–  Is checked-in luggage searched?
Both yes and no. In most modern airports, checked-in luggage will be sent through an automatic x-ray machine that detects patterns of content, including but not limited to set object definitions, densities and so on, and if the machine, comparing with its algorithm detects something unusual, then that bag may be sent for re-check by a human operator. If that operator decides that the bag must be searched, it will be. In most EU / EEC countries, this means that the owner will be present, in the US, not so much. So checked-in luggage can be searched.

– Will the metal detector go off on a can of pepper spray?
Yes it most likely will. In addition, if the x-ray operator spots it in your bag, you’ll be searched and fined for trying to take it on board the aircraft.

Can the security officer see my can of pepper spray / mace on the x-ray machine image?
Yes, he or she can. It will show up as a blueish (metal), can shaped object with an orange or green-tinted  (plastic) top, and filled with an orange substance (organic matter / liquid). It will be quite distinguishable.

Can I send my medical/dental x-ray images through the x-ray machine or will they be damaged?
Yes you can, and no they won’t. After the film is developed,
it’s just a piece of plastic with a black and white image on it. Nothing will happn to it in the security x-ray machine.

Can airport security x-ray machines damage digital cameras or memory card / images on a memory card?
No they can’t. There’s no need to remove anything or take any kind of precautions. They simply can’t damage your equipment.

– Can I go through the security checkpoint / scanner with safety pins on my clothing?
Yes you can. Again depending on the amount of course, and also the size of the pins, but normal to slightly oversized safetypins that actually serve a purpose – say, hold your clothes together, should never be a problem. You can’t do any damage to anything with a safety pin (what, are you going to safety pin someone to death?) and the amount of metal in 1-5 safety pins is not enough to set off the metal detector.

– Which metals will set off a security metal detector?
This is one that we actually get quite a lot. There’s an easy answer; all. All metals will set off a metal detector – that’s basically what it does – it detects metals. Gold, silver, platinum, iron, steel or alloys – it doesn’t matter. The metal detector will detect the metal. Surprisingly.

– Can I bring my Coca-Cola or other beverage through airport security?
With the state of regulations today, you can not bring liquids through the security checkpoints, unless the container meets the requirements (3.4oz). So…no.

Will gold jewellery show up on airport x-ray scanners?
Yes they will. Same as any metal, gold is very dense and the shape of the jewellery will show up in black, making it highly visible on the operator’s screen.
Click here for some examples of this.

– Can Saran Wrap set off an airport security metal detector?
Saran Wrap is plastic, and since plastic isn’t metal, the metal detector won’t react to it at all. Aluminium foil is different. Saran Wrap, no. Aluminium foil, yes.

– Will the airport security x-ray machine detect gold?
Well, that depends on your definition. Yes, the operator will see the gold, in the form of a black spot. All metal shows up as black shapes on the screen, and must be interpreted from its shape. If you transport a large amount of gold, your bag will be searched to make sure nothing is “hiding” behind the metal mass. So in short; yes.

– Why do I have to take off my belt at TSA/Airport security checkpoints?
Well, we’ve written about that here. In short, it’s because millimeter wave scanners (a.k.a. body scanners, naked scanners, AIT, etc… ) can’t see through thick materials, like belts, and something might be hidden underneath the belt / behind the belt. The TSA (in the US) has decided that the rule should apply even for checkpoints that don’t have the body scanners, in an effort to “keep the procedure uniform across the board”. Which is silly, but them’s the rules right now.

– Can security see marijuana in my bag on the x-ray machine?
Well, both yes and no. It will look like an orange mass, like natural fibers of any sort, or foodstuff in general. It might trigger a secondary search, in which case you’re busted, of course.

Can security officers see the money in my bag on the x-ray machine?
Again, it’s both yes and no. Most money arent’ made of regular paper, it’s made of other organic matter. In both cases, the money can be seen on the screen, but as you can see from the tutorial on how to read a security x-ray image, it will merely show up as an orange mass. An experienced officers might deduce that it’s money, and that might warrant a secondary check of you bag, in which case the money will be discovered. Take a look at our tutorial if you’d like to learn ways to disguise certain objects within your carry-on.

– I’m under 18, and I have cigarettes/tobacco with me. Will the security officers confiscate them/it?
No. In most cases, security won’t try to do your parents’ job, and taking someone’s tobacco away is apt to do much more harm than good. You might get a few questions, but even that is unlikely. Make sure you only have a single pack, though. They won’t think twice about giving the customs guys a little nod if you’re carrying more than you should. 


Do you have a question about airport security? Did we miss something? Have an article idea or would like to guest post? Leave a comment or send us an email – everything you need to know about guest posting is on our about-page!

116 thoughts on “Airport Security FAQ

  1. A simple questions:

    If an airplane carries 250 people and a train carries 250 people, why is the security on airplanes so tight and almost non-existant on trains?

    Overdone security only affects our personal freedom. We are not safer, this is a dangerous illusion.

    We do not need to fear a stupid terrorist. But a clever one will always find a security problem and exploit it. If airplane security actually one day become too much too handle, they will strike elsewhere. Trains, boats, hospitals, shopping centers, schools, etc… The list goes on.

    Even if we could defend ourselves everywhere, should we do it and could we face the cost and consequences? The answer is no.

    Instead of overfocusing on pointless security defences, we should focus on the reason terrorists targets us. Perhaps we should consider reducing our risk by reducing the number of people hating us enough to blow themselves to bits? How much resources would that take compared to the security measures taken today? How about a balanced combination?

    Tolerance, education and understanding is the key. Not increased security. Tt is much cheaper and much more efficient. And a reasonable combination is also absolutely possible.

    Let us just not be extreme. It doesn’t solve the problem.

  2. I had been arguing with my close friend on this issue for quite a while, base on your ideas prove that I am right, let me show him your webpage then I am sure it must make him buy me a drink, lol, thanks.

    – Kris

  3. here is a good one to add on. isnt it amazing how we can carry millions of dollers in a armord truck and very secure but we just cant seem to get the airport security right. i mean its 2011 we have insane technology and we have brains like bill gates lol but we cant simply make airports easy. im sorry but i dont believe the security is for us, its to control and for the countrys to know everything. exspecially the u.s. but my words wont matter because im only one person and the goverment already made it clear as the words fuck you. the other day i seen a little boy at a airport get strip searched in front of everyone and not pulled to the side in a small room. WOW and the list gos on….. if terriost want to take control of a plane im sure they can just go rent one ;I use your brains people.

  4. oh and here is another one to add on and i very much love your comment about how much money they spend on security. how many peoples lives have been affected and ruiened over this war against terriost. lighten up the security and throw the money tords familys and jobs. OTHER JOBS!!!! send me your debat against mine and ill give you a better one. no matter what it is there is no excuse for this much insane security.

  5. hi

    i’m using an atrificial hair(wig).. can i travel overseas? even my passport photo is also taken with the wig i wear.
    please email me the solution..


    1. Yes, Hamid, they can. This takes some experience, though. Remember that gems, diamonds and crystal(s) are very dense, and will appear dark on the screen. They can be hard to differentiate from other objects, though, since they’re usually small.

  6. im travelling to Thailand from Melbourne,
    I wear metal clip in hair extensions in my hair all the time, will the detector go off, and will I have to take them out infront of everyone??

  7. A quick question,

    I collect loose gemstones and precious metals. I keep them in a metal box. Will the X-ray scanner see through the box at the individual objects and most importantly, is having a moderate volume of precious gemstones and raw precious metals enough for them search my bag, or confiscate them?
    I’m worried they might think I’m trying to sell them due to them being loose and/or raw, and I certainly don’t want them taken away.


    1. Hi Johnny.
      What seems to be a common mistake is to think there’s a bigger bond between security and customs than the one that really exists. Security is worrie about the safety of the passengers and the flight, not really what you’re going to do when you get to where you’re going.

      Yes, precious metals and gems will show up – as a black mass on the screen that will probably call for a search it it’s in your carry-on. Transporting such things isn’t illegal. If you’re going abroad with it, however, you need to declare that to customs first – there may be restrictions on bringing that kind of value out of the country. Bring the customs papers with you through security.

  8. I’ve gone through full body scanner twice and they always show something. The first time there were big markers over my chest and side. They just did a quick pat in those areas and of course there was nothing. Today, there were many markers around my knee and another place but I had NOTHING there. No metal, nothing but jeans on and they covered everything. So, what is the machine picking up? Iron in the blood? Fat? I’m curious because I had to endure a full body pat down for some reason that I don’t understand. Any research on this? The lady was actually funny and put me at ease before patting me down but I’m just curious about what could be showing up as “something” when I had nothing there but my flesh (and denim). thanks! I want to see if I can change it so I don’t have to waste time in the “pat down”.

    1. It’s very hard to say what they’ve seen without actually seeing the images.
      You may actually have been the “victim” of an awareness control that some systems use – i.e. planting false positives on some images to make sure that the operator is paying attention. It’s a little hard to belive that that scenario happened twice, though.

  9. Since i am a dentist, can i take human extracted teeth in my checked in luggage overseas.
    I need them for my future dental school.

    1. That’s probably not a good idea. If you’re planning on travelling with human body parts, you need to have the proper paperwork for them, so that you’re not mistaken for a craxy serial killer taking souvenirs.
      Also, transporting human body parts overseas might cause serious problems with customs and/or hazardous materials agencies.

  10. hello, i have been wondering, im about to fly from manchester to poland and back, on the way back id want to bring come cigarettes for my friend, about 20 packets in a cabin under 18 do you think they will have any conceptions at the airport? thanks

    1. You probably won’t have a problem in security. But you might have one in customs. Security might also call customs and get you that way.
      Smuggling stuff is never a good idea.

    1. Hi Vida.
      Contact the nearest customs office, and ask them what kind of release papers you need, and ask them if it’s allowed at all. Not all countries will allow the export of human remains.

  11. Hello, I recently went through an airport body scanner and it detected something in the back of my head. The security officer had to wand the back of my head, and while showing me the screen, she says “It REALLY wanted me to look at the back of your head.” (the image was all highlighted in red and yellow). I haven’t been feeling that great, so my paranoia is this: Can these x-ray, millimeter wave or whatever machines, detect any health problems…like say, brain tumors? Thoughts? Thank you!

    1. Hi Kata.
      Most likely, this is some kind of error or a faulty configuration of a random-function on the machine.
      These things absolutely can not detect physical problems or be of any use in medical diagnosis of any kind – they’re much too weak for that. Much, much too weak. The machines, even the x-ray machines – are designed to penetrate your clothing, and nothing else.

      If you’re not feeling good, please go see your doctor, not the TSA. 😉

  12. So, I wanted to take some firecrackers with me so my friend and I can have fun with them. I unraveled all of them and put about 20 in aluminum foil,and then after that I put them in an iphone lifeproof case. Then I put them in a dvd case and in a bag. I will put all of that inbetween deodorants and such in my checked luggage. Do you think they will be detected? If so, do you have any suggestions as to how I could get just a couple firecrackers through security (whether they’re on me, in carry on, or in checked baggage)?

    1. Dude…
      You want to take explosives onto an airplane? That’s not cool. Also, your firecrackers will be detected both on the x-ray and by explosives detection equipment.

    1. To the airport, yes. On the plane… why would you? Pack the dog food in your checked luggage, and if you take perfume or creams onboard the airplane, make sure that all containers are smaller than 100ml or 3 ounces.

  13. will a braided leather belt with just one piece of metal on it make it through the metal detector? i won’t be wearing any other metals. i just would hate to hold up the line to take off my belt, but it’s still awkward to undress in an airport, no matter how much i fly.

  14. I am travelling to sweden and I use artificial hair (WIG) it does not contain any metal I use it by tap on the scalp, does it make any issue on security check or in side the country.Please help me.

  15. I have a medical marijuana vaporizer pen, similar to those 2 or 3 piece electronic cigarettes, and I was wondering if I should carry it on or place it in my checked bag?
    What would be my best bet here? (and please do not suggest ‘not taking anything with me’ as I require mmj for a serious medical condition and would prefer to enjoy my vacation symptom free)

    -JB, Seattle WA

    1. Hey Jason! How about not taking…oh. 😉

      Right. Take it apart, put it with your toiletries in your checked baggage. Easy as pie. 🙂

  16. i left a comment, but never got a response, so does this mean u r now trying to investigate me? well no worries because i dont plan on flying anytime soon it was just a question…..for my personal use, but thanks, now i can warn people about this site.

    1. Hi Curiousgeorge…
      Just because we don’t answer right away, that doesn’t mean we’re not going to. Also, maybe cut back on the crack cocaine – seems it might be making you just a tad paranoid?
      Anyway. Crack cocaine shows up orange, with a green-ish tinge, but it’s mostly organic, you know.

  17. i do apoligize, i just got nervous, but not because i use to much (twice in my lifetime), my friend had me inquire about it and i was just thinking that now i am going to get in trouble, it caused a bit of a fight, so again i am sorry, thanks for the info though,

    1. No probz, George. Just remember; SnallaBolaget is not a government agency, nor are we law enforcement. That should be pretty clear, though… 😛

  18. I wear a hairpiece with a thin silicon base, and have tapes in the frontal area, the sides and the back. When through the scanner at the airport, I have the following questions that beg answering for my piece of mind :
    1. Will the scanners be able to detect the actual hairpiece, or will it just detect the tapes.
    2. If sections of the hairpiece are detected, will the TSA person require me to have my hairpiece examined in a private room, at my request, and not in a public area.
    3. is there anyway that a hairpiece can be worn without being detected by scanners at the airport ?

  19. Somebody suggested that perhaps using glue instead of tapes on a hairpiece, would avoid detection by scanners at airports. is this possible ?

    1. Hi George.
      I’ve conferred with the others on this, and we came to the conclusion that we have no idea why anyone would be worried about this in the first place. So…
      That said, we don’t know of any scanners of anything that would differentiate between tape and glue, especially those types used in applications like that.

  20. Once a lady operator (think she was new) did a manual search of me. She unconsciously used her hands to feel my balls. A look of curiosity was on her face

  21. So I’m going to an anime convention in japan and I have this three piece wig that has clip in ponytails. I was wondering if it would pass threw my carry on bag or would I have to throw it away?

  22. Since the scans have been around every time I am scanned I am frisked Every time! !
    They ALWAYS show a dark mass on my right thigh. I do have a endrocondroma in that thigh
    But I also have one in my right arm, I have asked if it shows,
    And the scanning officials had always told me no. So I do not
    Think it is the tumors, I do have a great deal of pain in this exact area in my
    Leg and have had for several years, logic has me wondering,
    could this possibly be iron and minerals pooling in this area of my leg?

  23. SS .. and Lori I am frisked EVERY time and always because of a dark mass on my right thigh!! WHAT is this?

  24. I have three artificial teeth made of metals fitted on both side. While going to London from Delhi or back to Delhi from London by Air, will it create problem while passing through security check or being scanned.

  25. I recently bought necklace. It is white gold plated alloy with swarovski crystal. Will it become a problem if it goes through xray scanner at airport?

  26. if i put any metal in the metal cover,will the X-ray machine show those two metals in the scan and
    is the x-ray has a power to pass trough the metal?,and is the x-ray machine has the power to show the goods in the metal box or cover?
    hope your reply

  27. hey uhh what do you think about this idea for getting a small amount of weed on a plane… putting it in an organic type of trail mix and sealing the bag back up like it’s never been opened… or maybe packing some black and milds with some broken up buds

    more specifically what colors will the trail mix show on the xray/will it raise any flags? thanks in advance

  28. Hi, I just want to find out if I’m allowed to pack a collection of crystals? If I am, which way would be best to pack it, in my carry on bag or in my luggage? Also, do you perhaps know if it’s allowed to take crystals into the Netherlands?

    1. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. – 2 Corinthians 3:17

      Those who would give up Essential Liberty
      to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
      deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

      – Benjamin Franklin (sometimes Thomas Jefferson)

  29. It’s really a nice and helpful piece of information. I am satisfied that you simply shared
    this helpful information with us. Please stay us informed like this.
    Thanks for sharing.

  30. I have short straight dark hair and don’t understand why I get a hair pat down when flying in the united states.

  31. I wear my hair up with lots of Bobby pins to keep it in place will this be a problem going through airport security?

  32. “Es un gran experimentar a crear a Enorme este área , pulgadas reportada . “Estoy muy extremadamente feliz por equipo . sobre todas las cosas air jordan pulgadas A menudo el Las principales indios, que quién tener dos atletas a minutos abajo , fue el único equipo interior supérieur de juego dentro de un con el extra-inning Aventura .

  33. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Can the X-Ray Machine show Bunch of Clothes, if I bring from abroad in my bag ?

    Please reply.


  34. I am a very self conscious person and I have an embarrassing MARA ortho appliance made of stainless steel. Do you know if it would contain enough metal to set off scanners?

  35. I am a very self conscious person and I have an embarrassing MARA ortho appliance made of stainless steel. Do you know if it would contain enough metal to set off scanners?

    1. Hi Dani.

      Probably not – it depends a little on the sensitivity of the portal, and the type of MARA you have, but in all likelyhood, it won’t.

  36. Hi,
    I´m going to Paris from Finland this April, and the only watch I have is a fake Omega seamaster.

    Will the security personnel spot it when I take it off for x-ray security check and seize it?
    If I put it in the luggage, will it then be clearly visible as a watch that they might suspect being a counterfeit watch?

    Does it make a difference that I´m travelling in business class and will be wearing a blazer, shirt, chinos and formal shoes?

  37. Hey . Is it possible to take a 10 ml. Bottle of storoides through the metal detector ? It has like normal a little bit of aluminum I the top around the gummy sieling where you put the needle down . ?? Regards Mathias

  38. All hair weaves Sew in clip in hair extentions show up as a foreign object in airport security . The will say you are randomly selected for additional screening. Just tell them u r wearing extensions and its not a problem my sew in showed up no metal

  39. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. – 2 Corinthians 3:17

    Those who would give up Essential Liberty
    to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
    deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

    – Benjamin Franklin (sometimes Thomas Jefferson)

  40. Can you take a personalized cutting board through security? I know this sounds very random, but it’s part of a wedding gift.

  41. ??? ???????,??? ?? ???,??? ?? ???????????????? ??????? ??,??? ??????? ????????????,??? ??????? ??,???? ??????? ??,????????????,?????????,??????????????????????????????????,????,?????????,?????????,??????????????,????????????????,??????????,D?G,???????,???????,??,???????,,?,??????????,????????,????????,?????????,????????? ????????? ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??? ?MAX80?OFF?????SALE?????????????????? ???,?????? ??? ??,?????? ??? ???

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  43. I have a ton of Hot Topic Pins on My backpack, will I be able to keep them on when I bring it as my carry on or should I put them in my checked bag?

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