Not Upskirt, Uptempo!
As in, here’s a selection of security news that might interest you. As quick as we can.
– New York is supposed to get hot today, the powers that be proclaim. Hydrate, people, hydrate or die (that means “drink water, fool”).
This little intel-style thingy tells us that temps will be in the low hundreds, which in Centigrade would literally boil you, but in Fahrenheit isn’t that bad. But bad enough. Why not take the day off and go to a museum? They’ve got AC, we hear.
– Commit a crime while you’re in the service, and it’s the snitch that gets it. 52 years in jail (possibly) for leaking a video showing a murder. Okay then. We’re talking about Bradley Manning, for those who haven’t guessed that already. But hey, he should know better – it could happen to anyone.
– Riots! In Norway, no less. Asylum-seekers apparently longing home to their burnt-out ruins set fire to the facilities they were staying in. Not too bright (the fires were bright, the people not so much).
– Also, check out the Morning Brief and the Latest Headlines at Security Management. Never miss a thing.