Facebook status-update? What?!
From NYTimes here, about this and this and this and this and this and this and a whole lot of others… ;
The way Mr. Martin described himself, he could be the very definition of a “post-racial” American. “I have children I’m trying to raise not to see race,” he said. “I’m beyond the whole black-white thing. It doesn’t matter to me.”
Yet Mr. Martin could not think of any other way than racism to explain what had happened to Professor Gates. He is fascinated by the story. On Wednesday, he changed hisFacebook status to: “Wayne Martin is wondering when it became illegal to be angry at a law enforcement official.”
What the hell do I care what this “Mr. Martin” does on his fu**in’ Facebook profile?? What the hell does anyone care? This is nothing less than outrageous, and unlike some, I’m not afrraid to say it either.
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Lots can be said about the good in having healthy discussions about racial issues, but laying down, showing my belly and wagging my tail is something this (white, if it matters) dog will never do. This is starting to look a lot like the absurdities of the feminism debates.
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