The Biggest, Baddest Security QuadCopters
… and multicopters, incidentally. Using quads and multirotors for security work is fairly new, but
… and multicopters, incidentally. Using quads and multirotors for security work is fairly new, but
One of the most persistant comments we get, and one of the most persistant opinions
The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo in 2014 is a prime example of why
You may have heard it before (especially if you’re a Boondock Saints-fan): All that is necessary
In a series of posts and pages, we’re going to be looking at some of
The key to deterring intruders is to make life difficult for them. If they think
Before you finish reading this paragraph, someone’s home is being broken into and a family
In light of the horrific and brutal attack on the french newspaper Charlie Hebdo and
I have something to admit. It may be shocking to some, it may outrage others,
Post image by Geoffrey Fairchild, via Flickr Guns are present in over one-third of households