Winter’s Here – Better get up to speed with some cold weather gear.
Rumor has it that winter comes around every year, and so far, that rumor has
Rumor has it that winter comes around every year, and so far, that rumor has
…or at least, a way to fight back against them. And why would you want
For those who’ve never heard of the NSC, it’s a “nonprofit organization whose mission is
Starting a new week is always so exciting, isn’t it? Sure it is. Mondays –
Given the tensions in the world today, we probably shouldn’t be surprised, but still… Religious
…because sometimes, working for the TSA is goooood. 😉 (Nah… but here’re some pics anyway.)
Recently, we were accused of being “liberal”, by one of our subscribers who then promptly
We’re constantly behind on things these days. Sorry. A week or so ago, we said
A little inspiration from the nice people at the Coca-Cola Company 😉
So, quite a few of you may have noticed that we went offline for some