Calls for “Stay Behind” ops in Norway

As an answer to a political warning of “sneak islamifying” of the Norwegian society, the “Islamic Council” in Norway has gone out with strong criticism of both the term and the speaker.

The debate has been raging all the way up to the Minister for Justice in the country about wether one should allow muslim women the right to wear their headgear “hijab” while on duty in police forces, and wether this headgear is actually a requirement of the religion (which most people in possession of literacy will agree it is not) or simply a sort of religious “fad” or fashion statement.

Commentors have now gone to the step of calling for “Stay Behind” operations against the Islamic Council and against the “sneaking” revolution that is suspected of the muslims – who in turn denounce and condemn all such comments and allegations.

“Stay Behind” operations is possibly best known by a reminder to the NATO Stay Behind operations after WWII, with the setup of Operation Gladio intended to counter an eventual Warsaw Pact invasion of Western Europe. Operation Gladio special forces should have been disbanded by now, but NATO has produced no proof of this, and assumptions are widely made that these forces still exist in many countries in Northern and Western Europe.

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0 thoughts on "Calls for “Stay Behind” ops in Norway"

  1. Well, if you’d read the Wikipedia page I linked to, you would have seen that stay-behind tactics isn’t really the best option. Usually…
    While my opinion on wearing religious doodads with a police uniform is pretty clear, my opinion on paramilitary operations against (thus far) non-violent muslims perhaps was not?

  2. Whom are you calling a non-violent muhammedanian? Mullah Krekar? Ot Maybee Asghar Ali or Basim? Those who want to kill homos and sell their dauthers to the highest bidder? stone women? Are you crazy?

    1. Hehe! Well, you do have good points, I’ll give you that much, but my point was that “stay-behind” ops isn’t really a good thing – they’re kind of like the burnt earth tactics that are effective…but not really ideal.

  3. Well those parts of Oslo already invaded by the muhammedananians and the mosque are in need a good firestorm before we can move back in there. After all, we don’t want our children infected now do we?

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