A Don’t Panic Guide To Survive Any Disaster
In an article by Nick Watt in abcnews.com, Ed Galea, a professor at the Universities of Greenwich, Liverpool and Ulster was quoted as saying it usually takes a maximum of eight minutes for an average person to react to a building being hit, some people even take longer to respond, about twenty to thirty minutes. When faced with life-threatening catastrophes, have you ever wondered why some people make good use of a guide to survive disasters, while others don’t and die? Ignorance may very well have played a huge role in the inability of others to be aware and familiar of the survival protocols when disasters strike.
Don’t Daydream
One of the most important essentials in your preparedness guide is to constantly be alert and on guard on what’s been going on around your surroundings. Don’t be oblivious when fire breaks out or earthquakes strike. Listen in on for the alarm to sound off to immediately take action against any disaster.
Don’t Be Afraid To Look Fearful
Sometimes peer pressure may make you feel self-conscious when exhibiting emotions of fear when disasters occur. It may not be surprising if you find yourself embarrassed to call your alarm monitoring service to make sure your alarm works okay during emergencies.
You may be afraid to be referred to as a “chicken” by your friends just because you fear the worst that may happen when the impending doom occurs. Being too conscious on what others may think might put you at a disadvantage in the long run. So, always keep in mind to look after your welfare first, before being concerned on what others may think.
Avoid Making Wrong Assumptions
When a fire alarm sounds off, don’t immediately assume that it’s a false alarm or a fire drill. Wrong assumptions can get you into a lot of trouble and can cause things to get out of hand. Unless you see someone suspiciously sounding the fire alarm from a surveillance camera, don’t immediately make your own assumptions without having any verifiable basis.
Keep A Journal
One of the unique, but handy survival kits for disaster you may want to have if you find yourself being forgetful lately, is a daily journal. You may jot down all the important reminders in relation to safety in your journal, such as the schedule of unplugging appliances from electrical outlets to avoid fire, locking all your doors before you go to bed at night, among many others.
Be Patient When Inflating
If unfortunately, you’re stuck in a plane that is about to crash, remember to calmly execute a plan for safety, just like the one you would have planned for your home security.
Don’t inflate the life jacket until you’re out of the plane after you evacuate. You can easily drown if you inflate your life jacket too early, as you may get stuck in inside the sinking fuselage.
Front, Rear Seats May Be Troublesome
Give equal importance on planning where to sit in a train just like how you would have valued your home safety plan. Accidents and disastrous events are even more prominent outside your home. As much as possible, avoid sitting on front or rear seat in a train. In the unfortunate event of a train crash, the front and rear areas of the train get massively destroyed first before other areas of the train.
Text Messages Can Save You
Don’t ignore the value of text messages when disasters occur. Sometimes, text messages go through when phone calls won’t. A lot of people experienced this when hurricane Katrina hit the United States in 2005. Make learning how to send text messages as a top priority in your list in preparedness guide for disasters.
Fire Exit Awareness Even When It’s Dark
Sharpening your survival skills for disaster in anyhow you can maximize your chances for surviving a catastrophe. Make sure you know your way around your home’s fire exit even when the lights are turned off to better adjust yourself to respond effectively on any types of disaster that may come your way.
Never Get Tired Of Practicing
Enhance your storehouse guide for safety by constantly practicing evacuations and fire drills. Learning takes practice. Once you’ve mastered the basics of escaping a disaster, you’ll likely maximize risks of becoming a fatal victim of a catastrophe.
Slimming Down May Help
Losing weight may not be included in common tips on how to survive disasters, but practically speaking, it can actually help in reducing risks of disaster fatalities. Overweight people usually move slower, and this hinders them from speedily escaping and evacuating when catastrophe strikes.
Every individual is responsible for his life. Whatever happens to his life, even when uncontrollable events occur like disasters occur, it is ultimately up to the person on how he will survive the challenges that come along the way. As Professor Ed Galea said, if you know what you’re doing, your chances of surviving is enormous.
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